Bike Riding in Columbia

Part One of Bike Riding in Columbia, Heather Kobus of Athlete’s Arena Irmo talks with Rebecca Everling of the Cycle Center in Five Points in hopes to inspire you to get your bike off of your garage wall, bring it outside and enjoy the beautiful weather we have in South Carolina.

Bike Equipment you need

Visit the Cycle Center and Rebecca and her knowledgeable staff will guide you to what equipment you need to to start riding.

bike helmets for sale
  • helmet
  • kickstand (depending on what type of bike you have)
  • pair of gloves
  • bike shorts

They will also guide you on how to properly and safely fit your helmet. Did you know a bike helmet only has a 5 year shelf-life? Rebecca discusses how to properly position the helmet (it should sit above your brow), locking the helmet in the back, and applying the “two finger test” when tightening the chin strap (tighten until it feels snug so that no more than two fingers fit under the strap). Remember, always wear a helmet!

Bike riding with cars

When riding a bike, you act just like a car. Bike riders follow the same direction and the same rules as a car. “As long as you pay attention to your cars, they will pay attention to you too.” If you feel uncomfortable with a vehicle, Rebecca demonstrates hand signals to use to have them slow down. After proper instruction from Rebecca and a gentle shove off, Heather takes a bike for a spin around the shopping mall’s parking lot. For more information on South Carolina’s bicylcing laws, visit SCDOT’s website.

fitting a bike helmet
Rebecca fits a bike helmet on Heather

Why is bike riding good exercise?

  • low impact
  • a good muscle workout
  • easy, unlike some other sports
  • can increase your strength & stamina
  • can be as intense as you want it to be
  • is so much fun!
  • time-efficient

Where to get your bike equipment?

Rebecca and her staff at the Cycle Center on Harden Street in Five Points can guide you on what equipment you need, how to properly wear a helmet and what rules you follow as a bike rider. So, what are you waiting for? Get your bike off of the garage wall, get it outside and take it for a spin to enjoy the great weather we have in South Carolina. Get outdoors, be active and “Let’s Play!”

Stay tuned for Part Two of the Cycle Center’s blog post. There was just too much valuable information Rebeccca had to offer not to run a Part Two!

The Cycle Center is located in the Market Place Shopping Center at 1001 Harden Street in Five Points. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to find out the latest news on cycling events, gear and more.