Do you want to know what works?

What  I am about to tell you is going make you hit your head and say Dah!  Before I get to that though  I want to express my frustration with every level of professional to the parent who are saying to themselves “I know what works, I’ve been training my whole life.”.  Not all of you have this attitude I know, but others of you need to accept some coaching.  Anyone can read a magazine or watch a video or just do the workout your coach did with you 20 maybe 30 years ago ( like we haven’t had any scientific advances in exercise programming since then).  Maybe you do know the “What” but what about the “How” and “Why” and especially “When”.  Today I will try to answer simply the “How”  your body responds to different exercises so you can start implementing a better more diverse program.
Your body is powered by ATP (adenison triphosphate).  Without it you are stuck in the mud. It is your plutonium. There are three manufacturers of this valuable fuel. They are your energy systems. The phosphagen, glycolysisand oxidative energy systems.  This is about as technical as I will get.

Just like everything else on this earth these systems are bound by and run on time.  And like everything else the better you become at managing these systems the better your results will become.  When you have to be your strongest and fastest the phosphagen system gives u the kick.  This would be those exercises that last 5-30 sec.  It could be when you are working in the gym with heavy weights or your running a 100 meter sprint. Once you have past the 30 second mile marker the phophagen system hands the baton off to the glycolysis system and your body starts using the glucose stored in your muscles, floating in your blood and a little stored in the liver. If you are one of those people who like to run for punishment, I mean exercise pleasure,  eventually your body will see the extra oxygen in your blood and start using the oxidative system. The hand off between these two systems  takes a while though. They more or less hold hands for a time before they part ways. Probably somewhere between 1:30 and 5 min.

In order to get the best out of each system you need to focus your attention on one at a time.  This will also help to keep your workouts fun and challenging. Whether you exercise 2,3 or 4 days a week, maybe more, try to alternate your days. For example: day1 you could work fast and explosive movements giving yourself plenty of rest between sets so you are able to be as strong and fast as possible with each set. Day 2 try getting your heart rate up to a sustainable level for 20-30 min. Then follow it up with a good flexibility routine. Then on day three put some moderate weight in your hands, string some exercises together and go to work. So day one you’ve worked powerful, explosive movements training through the phosphagen system. Day2 the oxidative system. Day 3 the glycolysis system.

There are any number of time parameters you can work these different systems in.  It does not have to be all in one week.  You could train one a week.  You are only limited by your knowledge and imagination.  Start looking for more blogs to further your goals and to take out the guess work.  Feel free to contact me any time at: